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Rotary House

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Keep it Fresh
In the heart of the Texas Medical Center there is a special hotel that caters to the needs of patients at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The Jesse H. Jones Rotary House takes special care in providing for the needs of the cancer patients and their families and support network who make up the majority of the hotel guests. In order to make guests as comfortable as possible and to provide them with every convenience, the Rotary House is constantly reinventing their food service options. From Starbucks Coffee to frozen yogurt the food court at the hotel stays abreast of modern food trends and relies on Solitaire Creative Services to keep their kiosks and food outlets looking modern, clean and inviting.

Over the years Solitaire Creative has developed signs, point of purchase displays, menus and other items for restaurant concepts from fried chicken to Mongolian stir fry; from a New York deli to an Italian café. Need a fresh idea for your marketing? Contact our creative team.