
Our longtime client The Jesse H. Jones Rotary House wanted to freshen up their logo for the fine dining outlet in the hotel, The Oaks. Below is the logo that was developed for the restaurant back in the 90’s.

The original logo for The Oaks Restaurant

The original logo for The Oaks Restaurant


Solitaire Creative graphic designer Thao Huynh went to work with some solid direction from the staff a the Rotary House.  With the first half-dozen or so design ideas we tried to create a contemporary, fresh look for the restaurant.

First concepts

Contemporary, but not quite what the client was looking for.

Alternate logo design

Another concept that hit the cutting room floor.


After several back-and-forth sessions, we presented a set of 4 final logo designs. Stepping away from the contemporary angle and reverting to a more traditional, upscale restaurant style.  More conservative colors were selected to match the décor in The Oaks Restaurant. The client showed the concepts to the marketing and restaurant team and within 10 minutes we had a reply to our email submission. “We like the logo on page 2. That will be our new logo.”


So, here it is, the new logo for “The Oaks Restaurant” fresh off the presses from the design team at Solitaire Creative Services.


Once they saw it, the marketing team knew immediately this was their winner.